How to understand
Proper understanding isn’t about gathering information but filtering, processing, and adapting it. Mastering this requires a combination of three key pillars: reading, teaching, and change. Combined, these elements form a robust framework that helps you absorb and transform knowledge into wisdom.
1. Reading: The Foundation of Understanding
Reading has long been the cornerstone of learning. It’s not about flipping through pages or skimming articles—it’s about immersing yourself in the material, questioning assumptions, and seeking more profound insights.
When you read, approach the text with a critical eye. What is the author trying to say? What perspectives are they leaving out? Challenge yourself to go beyond surface-level understanding by connecting what you read with your experiences, other works, or opposing viewpoints. Reading is the first step, but your thinking after that counts.
2. Teaching: Solidifying Knowledge Through Sharing
Teaching others is one of the most powerful ways to solidify your understanding. Whether explaining a concept to a colleague, sharing insights with a friend, or writing about what you’ve learned, teaching helps you organize your thoughts and test your knowledge.
When you teach, you’re forced to simplify complex ideas and communicate them in ways others can grasp. This process enhances your understanding and uncovers gaps in your knowledge that you might have missed. In many ways, teaching is as much a learning tool as it is a way to help others.
3. Change: The Key to Understanding is Trying to Change It
If you want to understand something, you should try to change it. This principle, often seen in the scientific method, applies broadly to all areas of learning. When you actively work to alter a process, system, or even your thinking, you uncover its deeper mechanics.
By attempting to change something, you’re forced to grapple with how it functions, its weaknesses, and where improvements can be made. This trial-and-error process reveals nuances that passive learning might miss. Whether tweaking a workflow, adjusting a mindset, or experimenting with a new method, change is a hands-on way of learning that brings theory into practice.
Putting It All Together
Proper understanding doesn’t come from just reading or memorizing facts. You must actively engage with knowledge by reading critically, teaching to reinforce ideas, and trying to change things to see how they work. These three pillars—reading, teaching, and changing—create a robust framework for turning information into wisdom.
Understanding is about more than just knowing. It’s about learning, sharing, and experimenting, so you’re constantly growing and adapting. To know something, don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty and see how it reacts when you try to change it.